Sunday, 15 January 2012

Letters Everywhere part 2


Open Punctuation

In an open punctuation style letter there is...
  •  No punctuation at end of lines in the inside address
  •  No punctuation following salutation and complementary closing.

Close Punctuation

Closed punctuation has punctuation after the salutation and closing, in the address and after abbreviations

The President of the United States,
Washington, D.C.

Dear Mr. Bush:

Sincerely yours

I suppose that 'mixed' punctuation is a middle way between these, and I also suppose that there is considerable difference of opinion as to whether and which punctuations are used where.

Mix Punctuation

features (This is usually the standard used in the USA)

* No punctuation at the end of lines in the inside address
* A colon follows the salutation
* A comma follows the complimentary closing

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